Monday, August 31, 2009

Finally getting settled!

So we're finally getting into the swing of things here. It all takes a little time and to be honest I was most concerned with the job and making sure I kept my head above water for the first week. I managed to do it albeit missing tuesday and wednesday with the dreaded "Ghana Gut". Severe stomach cramps and numerous runs to the bathroom. I won't go into the finer details but suffice to say I went on an enforced diet for a few days.

We had a fairly quiet weekend which suited me just fine, although we did go out with 2 female teachers to eat on the friday. We looked up some places in our "no worries" guide to Ghana. Unfortunately things are not quite up to date and our proposed venue was no longer there. Never fear, there's plenty to choose from and we traversed a main road (not an easy thing to do with the drivers over here) and ended up in a little tacky joint... named Hallo Restaurant where we had the usual choice of Chinese or Pizza! We ended up getting two of each and to be fair to them the pizza's were pretty good, about 12 Cedi's or 8 dollars for a large one. The chinese was not quite as successful but you live and learn as they say.

Next up we headed to "Ryans Irish Bar"... ( i lasted a month didn't I???). It was a lovely old colonial building, well laid out with great 80's tunes and a very decent pool table upstairs. I can see myself heading back! Beers and food was a lot pricer than other bars but that's to be expected i guess.

Finally we went to "Champs"... a sports bar with a university crowd. It was karaoke night so we were blessed with a fine selection of top chart music belted out by some of the clientelle. Met a few very pleasant Lebanese guys (there's quite a few here) and then called it a night. I had the grand total of 2 and a half beers! My stomach was still not 100% so I took it very easy.

Sat was spent watching a bit of Arsenal/Man U and sunday was a game of football and a swim in the school pool. All in all a very enjoyable weekend.

On a great side note, Karolina has been offered (and started today) a job here as a Teaching Assistant to grade 3. The primary principal is top notch and said she can stay as long as she wants and if at any stage she wants to stop there's no problem. It'll be great for her until she gets something closer to her actual profession.

Hope everyones well and please post some comments if there's things you want to know.

Later Gaters,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

We've Arrived!

The School Pool... 25m of pure bliss...

Our school lizard (well it is Africa for god's sake....)

Me in School (note: This was a casual look, normally it's collars and long pants)

The Walk to work! Only 5 mintues but in Africa that equals a sweaty worker!

The Entrance to our lovely abode

Second Bedroom

Master Bedroom (ensuite) Notice the Mozzie net!!


Our Dining Area

Our ballroom/toilet/bath/sink

Our Veranda (if you don't mind...)

Our Living Room

The way in!

The Apartment (ours is on the 1st floor... and the beautiful Karolina of course!)

So there you have it....

Yes we've landed and settled in... in fact we've just completed our first week on the African Continent. Everythings going well. Most importantly here are a few snaps of our apt. and the school and area. Hope everyones well!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our pending departure...

So this is it, the moment we've been eagerly awaiting since early spring! Our bags are packed and our consiences clear...(well mine's still a little hazy from saturday night but Karolina is similar to a well scrubbed window pane).

I can't for the life of me imagine what else we could have brought with us... from swimming googles to candle holders.... aussie rules jumpers (suns out guns out)... to all the various pills and ointments that will keep us free from infestation.

I hope everything will go to plan and come tomorrow night we'll be sitting in our new apt drinking an ice cold Star beer and contemplating what lies ahead. A run in with a wild African elephant perhaps? Or a enjoying all things colourful down at the city market...why yes an elongated witch doctors anti-spirit stick is exactly what i'm after!

We'll try our best to keep this blog regularly updated and hopefully give you an insight into the weird and wacky world of our African life.

See you guys on the other side!
