Sunday, September 27, 2009

Some pictures from our weekend away at Winneba beach

Our journey started at Kaneshie bus station where, according to the guidebook we could easily get on a bus to Winneba. It wasn't that easy. Kaneshie is a very hot and very noisy place, and all the buses were packed. Patrick was struggling and wanted to go home....

Hotter than hot. Our relationship was being tested... The next time we'll charter a taxi...

Eventually we found an airconditioned tro-tro (minibus) that took us to Lagoon Lodge in Winneba.

The lagoon...

The beach was a 10 min walk away

The beach!! And a goat...

I'm as white as the beach! Have to work on that suntan...

Winneba is a very quiet spot, it seemed like we were the only tourists there. The high season for tourism on the coast starts in November, when it gets really hot in Ghana...

People were pulling in the fishingnets all along the beach on Sunday morning

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